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Heart Math Tutoring Receives School Sponsorship-Level Grants from The Belk Foundation and Faison Enterprises

January 30, 2017

Heart wrapped up 2016 with school sponsorship-level grants from The Belk Foundation and Faison Enterprises.

The Belk Foundation has made a two-year commitment of $40,000 per year, and Faison Enterprises has awarded $30,000 to Heart. The grants are at the “school sponsorship” level, each providing tutoring from September to May to over 50 students who are performing below grade level in elementary math. This is the fourth year of Heart’s partnership with The Belk Foundation and the first grant award from Faison Enterprises. Funding supports an on-site coordinator, tutoring supplies, volunteer recruitment, assessments and data analysis.

“We are very grateful to The Belk Foundation and Faison Enterprises for believing in Heart’s program. We could not recruit and support tutors and students without this funding,” said Emily Elliott, executive director of Heart Math Tutoring. “Hundreds of students who are falling behind will build skills and confidence at an accelerated pace because of these partnerships.”

Read the full press release here.

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